Appendix B

This appendix contains artifacts related to certain CLAS teaching criteria.

Careful course design, clearly articulated goals, and diligent class preparation.
Clear communication with students.
The following are representative samples that demonstrate my commitment to clear and coherent planning and assessment.
  • Syllabi from courses in mathematical foundations (MTH 110),  mathematics for preservice elementary teachers (MTH 222),  mathematics for preservice secondary teachers (MTH 329), mathematics for inservice secondary teachers (MTH 629), and  graduate teacher training (EDG 680).
  • Assessments examples:

Remaining current in the areas of teaching responsibility and revising coursework to reflect changes that emerge in those areas.
Continual course development to enhance learning.
Thoughtful and effective development of curriculum.
The following show how I have enhanced my courses by applying approaches from literacy instruction to teaching and learning mathematics.